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聚培教育网合作机构 > 绵阳英语培训学校



更新时间:2021-01-19 浏览:175
核心提示:  1.1 Set Goals  It s often much easier to motivate yourself to work if you have something to aim for. Goals can be

   1.1 Set Goals

  It s often much easier to motivate yourself to work if you have something to aim for. Goals can be short or long term. A short term goal in learning English might be to learn enough to be able to book a hotel room. A longer term aim could be to attend a University in a foreign country, or get a 6.5 on the IELTS exam.
  每一个人全是这般,当心里拥有追求完美的总体目标,便会持续激励自己向着总体目标前行。而设置学习英语的总体目标能够分成长期性或短期内。说白了短期内总体目标是一些短时间在英语可以获得的发展,例如在一个星期内学好用英文预订酒店。而长期性总体目标便是在一段时间后你一直在英文上所期待的获得的提升,例如6个月后去国外阅读或是是3个月雅思考试获得6.5 分。
  1.2 Be Prepared to Work Hard
  Learning a language is generally not easy. Most people have other things to do in their lives apart from learning English. You need to realize this and be patient with regard to your progress. But you won t achieve much if you don t put in the effort. We can provide you with quality instructors. However, your progress depends a lot on you.
  总体来说,学习英语是不易的。很多人 除开学英语也有许多别的的事儿要做。因此 你需要意识到你的发展并不是一时之间能够进行的,但假如你不努力,想有一定的考试成绩是不大可能的。我们可以给大家最出色的教师,但你的发展更多方面上在于你自己。
  1.3 Make Time 上班族英文
  Many of us lead busy lives and find it hard to fit new things into an already established routine. Learning English can be requires discipline. You need to set aside time for your learning and be prepared to study during that time. Putting things off because you re too tired is ok every now and then, but it shouldn t become a habit. Make English an indispensable part of your schedule.
  安排时间 上班族英文
  1.4 Ask Questions
  We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask. Don t be afraid to ask questions. Our teachers are here to help.
  学会提问 上班族英文
  大家并不期待大家的学员 是一块海棉,你不太可能消化吸收全部的物品而不明确提出一切难题。不要害怕提出问题,我们的老师热情欢迎你的提出问题并会协助你的。
  1.5 Do Some Extra-curricular Work
  Having a teacher to instruct and guide you is vital. However, you can also study independently in fact; this will be more likely to make you a successful language learner. Don t wait until it s time for class to pull out your English books.
  1.6 Watch English Movies
  This is a great way to pick up colloquial English and practise listening. You don t need to be able to understand every word to understand what is happening in a movie. Turn on the English Subtitles to help with understanding - this is a great way to practice reading also. Choose movies that you are more likely to be able to follow. Movies with short dialogue, separated by long sequences of no dialogue are ideal, as they allow time to absorb the language. Romantic movies tend to fall into this category.
  用看英文电影来练口语与英语听力是个好方法。要掌握影片剧情你实际上并不一定很清晰的了解每一个英语单词,但另附英文经典对白得话能协助你更强的了解,这也是锻练你阅读文章的一个非常好的方法。影片该选你较为可以了解的。经典对白较为短的影片是非常好的,因为它能让你充足的時间去理解消化你以前所听见的。爱情电影一般 便是这类方式。
  1.7 Listen to English Music
  Music can be a fun way to learn English. The next time you re at a Karaoke bar or maybe at home singing in front of your TV, try singing an English song. This is a great way to practice putting some emotion into your English and will really improve the way other people perceive your meaning when you re speaking English to them.
  1.8 Reading
  Reading is a fantastic way to learn new vocabulary. Try reading short stories rather than long novels. These are often broken down into short chapters which can be read and then analyzed for language. Don t feel that you have to understand every word. Try to get the general meaning. Underline unknown words and try to guess their meaning from context. You can use your dictionary later to look them up and check if you were right. Use graded readers. These tend to have questions designed to test comprehension of what you have just read.
  1.9 Go to English Corners
  There is a rich English Corner tradition in China. Public places such as bookstores or parks often tend to have free English corners. Don t be shy. Go along and take part. Ask questions. Meet people just like you who are interested in learning English.
  1.10 Use the Internet
  The internet is a fantastic invention, which has changed the way we live our lives. While it is fantastic to be able to read the People s daily or chat with friends online, it is a waste if we don t use the medium to learn English. Here at English First, we offer a full suite of blended online learning applications. But, in addition to that, there s plenty you can do on your own.
  1.11 Read English Newspapers
  There are numerous newspapers which provide a rich source of interesting and varied reading materials.
  1.12 Listen to Radio
  Virtually every radio station in the world is up for grabs with the Internet. Don t just be content with the VOA or BBC world service. There are many other interesting alternatives. Try listening to radio from around the English speaking world.
  如今大部分全部的广播节目都能够在互联网技术上收听。不必只考虑于听VOA或者BBC,实际上大家有别的 许多挑选。尝试接听不同英语*的英文频道栏目。
  1.13 Chat
  You can use MSN, yahoo and other chat programs to chat in English. Rather than firing up QQ the minute you switch on your PC, try finding some of your English speaking friends. If you have Skype, encourage your friends to get it too and call them for free using your computer.
  1.14 Don t be Self-conscious
  There are a few old-fashioned methods which might sound quirky but can work:
  Improve your pronunciation:
  Use a mirror to practice making difficult English sounds; Record yourself speaking English and listen afterward, paying attention to stress, intonation and problem phonemes.
  Think in English:
  Have an imaginary conversation in English. Think through what you re going to say.
  Speak to your friends in English: