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聚培教育网合作机构 > 武汉英语培训机构



更新时间:2021-01-09 浏览:122

春季早已来临了!的你立过新的flag沒有?经历改革创新的托福阅读、英语口语、英语听力都是有变化,只有创作没动如钟。因此 担心以前的训练打折,那麼那么问题来了,创作这类题目增分难该怎么办?Don't worry,我今日从零教你增分!

单独创作难度系数较小,题目一般有三种: 二选一 它是独立作文普遍的难题种类。 一个话题讨论的2个层面,想要你挑选一方并得出适用它的缘故和实例。 论述二者好坏与一种不一样的是,这一种类的题型不用你作出挑选,只需探讨二者的好坏,出示实例作出阐述。
选取 这一类型对比上边两大类较少看到。 出示一个普遍的主题风格,包括许多很有可能或建议,想要你说明观点。 综合写作 综合写作难度系数很大,包括阅读文章、英语听力和创作的综合性考虑。优秀作文沒有固定不动的主题风格范畴,但好在创作规定都很类似。一般会规定学生汇总专题讲座中的关键点,并与阅读文章一部分开展比照。
在这里一阶段,一定要留意不必探讨自身的见解,只是要从专题讲座与阅读中获得和复述信息内容。 综合写作*须对阅读文章关键点和英语听力材料搞好手记。对于纪录的关键点,比照阅读文章和英语听力的关联,机构文章内容的构思。 应用特殊的描述。在综合性一部分一定留意不必将英语听力材料或阅读拷贝到你的文章内容中,只是要再次机构語言,用自身得话表述原材料的关键见解(不必强制邯郸学步)。
It is common knowledge that forecasting is an attempt by meteorologists to determine what weather will be like in the future. Hindcasting is the opposite of forecasting, an attempt to determine what weather was like in the past. Meteorologists wish that records of weather had been kept in full for at least a few millennia, but it has been only in the last century that detailed records of the weather have been kept. Thus, meteorologists need to hindcast the weather, and they do so by using all sorts of information from other fields as diverse as archeology, botany, geology, literature, and art. These pieces of information from other fields that are used as a basis for drawing conclusions about what the weather must have been like at some point in the past are called proxies.
Topic of Listening Passage:
hindcasting (trying to determine what weather was like in the past)
Main points about hindcasting:
detailed weather records kept for less than a century
proxies (information from various other fields) used to hindcast weather
(professor):Now let me talk about how hindcasting was used in one particular situation. This situation has to do with the weather in seventeenth-century Holland. It appears, from proxies in paintings from the time by numerous artists, that the weather in Holland in the seventeenth century was much colder than it is today. Seventeenth-century paintings show really cold winter landscapes with huge snow drifts and ice skaters skating on frozen canals. Since it's unusual today for snow to drift as high as it is in the paintings and for the canals to freeze over so that skaters can skate across them as they are in the paintings, these paintings appear to serve as proxies that demonstrate that the weather when the paintings were created in the seventeenth century was much colder than it is today.
Topic of Listening Passage:paintings that are proxies showing weather in 17th-century Holland colder than today
Details:in 17th-century paintings showing colder weather :
- huge snow drifts higher than today's drifts
- on canals that are not frozen today
How does the information in the listening passage about the weather in seventeenth-century Holland shed light on the information on hindcasting in the reading passage?
Reading Passage= A technique used by meteorologists
Topic Of Reading Passage:hindcasting (trying to determine what weather wae like in the past)
Main points about hindcasting:
- detailed weather records kept for less than a century
- proxies (information from various other fields) used to hindcast weather
Listening Passage= An example of the technique
Topic of listening passage:paintings that are proxies showing weather in 17th-century Holland colder than today
Details in 17th-century paintings showing colder weather:
- huge snow drifts higher than today's drifts
- skaters on canals that are not frozen today
Look at this information from the integrated writing task on hindcasting and the weather in seventeenth-century Holland.
Reading Passage= a technique used by meteorologists
Topic of listening passage:hindcasting (trying to determine what weather was like in the past)
Listening Passage= an example of the technique
Topic of listening passage:paintings that are proxies showing weather in 17th-century Holland colder than today
Topic of listening passage:hindcasting (trying to determine what weather was like in the past)
main points about hindcasting:
detailed weather records kept for less than a century
proxies (information from various other fields) used to hindcast weather
The reading passage discusses the technique?of hindcasting, which is a method used by meteorologists to try to determine what the weather ?match?was like in the past. One point that is made about this meteorological metho is that detailed??match??weather records have not been kept for long. As a result, meteorologists have had to find another way to determine what the weather was like in the past. They developed a method of hindcasting using proxies, which are pieces of information from other fields.
我想说的是,即便是汉语为英文的人,写一篇文章也会在所难免的出現不正确,何况是用电脑键入的大家。因此 在储存以前查验英语的语法和英语单词是对高分数以后的挣脱,关键点便是成绩!假如能给别人——尤其是汉语是英语的盆友来看的文章内容,除开调整你忽略的不正确,可以学得更高級和正宗的表述也是很赚了。
