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更新时间:2021-01-08 浏览:206

Young people of today are less dependent on their parents than those in the past
It has been expected that young people would be less dependent on parents. However, unfortunately, young people of today are more dependent on parents than before. It seems like a curse, but sadly it is the truth.
Firstly, young people depend more on parents economically. The progress of society has not made life any easier but tougher. People need to pay more for their survival. The young are exhausted and even despaired by those sundry bills. For example, a young person in Shanghai, a big city of China, needs half a million dollars to buy an apartment and automobile, to get married and rare a child. How many people who are in their early 20s can have half a million dollars deposits in their accounts? For the majority, this sum is astronomical. Without any alternative, they have to turn to elderly parents for support. As a matter of fact, no young people can survive in a big city without the aid from their parents. By contrast, in the past, though simple, life cost much less. Averagely, people needed to work five years to establish a family and lead a decent life. The cost of the past for buying an apartment, affording a marriage, and rearing a child was negligible when compared with that of today.
次之,年青人在日常生活上更为依靠爸爸妈妈。一方面,她们一天到晚埋头苦干,或沉溺于一些喜好,例如网游,以致于忽略了自身的谈恋爱和婚姻生活等人生中的大事。父母们心急不堪,只有喧宾夺主。这就是为何,在我国一般 报名参加相亲活动的全是祖辈或祖上。她们相互之间吹捧着自身的小孩,期盼在婚姻生活中给小朋友们出示极大协助。另一方面,绝大多数年青人娶妻生子后,并沒有活力和细心照顾小孩。她们更想要出门工作中,或迫不得已日常生活出门闯荡,以付款价格昂贵的日常生活花销。因此,爸爸妈妈们就顺理成章地变成了家庭保姆和佣人。如果沒有爸爸妈妈的协助,要不夫妇彼此中任一方在家里照顾小孩,要不掏钱请技术专业家庭保姆,而后面一种的花费也不是一般家中能够承担的。
Secondly, young people depend more on parents in life. On the one hand, the young are so buried in work or obsessed with their hobbies, like computer games or online chats, that they even ignore the big affairs in their life, such as dating girls or getting married. The parents, worried and desperate, have to come up to help. That is why in the speed-dating programs or speed-dating fairs, parents and even grandparents crowd the place, describing and even boasting the virtues of their children in the hope of making some contribution to their children’s marriage. On the other hand, the young have neither time nor patience to take care of the newly born babies. They are more willing to work in offices, or forced to work as a horse in order to pay the family bills. Naturally, parents become baby-sitters, cooks or housemaids. Without the support from parents, one of the couple has to stay home baby-sitting. As an alternative, the couple needs to hire a baby-sitter, which is always high-paid and not affordable for every common family.
Based on the above analysis, I have to repeat that young people of today rely on their parents more than before, which is resulted from the huge life pressure that the young are faced with. It seems that the development of society should bring more ease and relax for people, but things are different in nature.
