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聚培教育网合作机构 > 深圳英语培训学校



更新时间:2021-01-07 浏览:114

题号 內容 Question 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends can maintain friendship even if they have disagreement with each other. Question 2 Reading part Listening part 【学校通知】: The university plans to allow beverages in the library because drinking coffee can help students study better, and it won't cause big damage on books or furniture if students are careful enough.
【学员心态】:The woman holds a negative idea. First, there is a coffee shop nearby, and it's only 2 minutes' walk from the library, so it is quite convenient and there is no need to have this permission. Second, accidents cannot be avoided. If accidents occur, books and furniture will be damaged, it would take much more time and money to clean it up. Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion. Question 3 Reading part Listening part 【基本概念】: Role-playing selling: a process to train employees, 例如一个人饰演市场销售,一个人饰演消费者,根据role-playing exercise来得到销售经验。 【专家教授举例说明】: 专家教授举了他brother的事例,他的弟兄是卖新车的,
让employees play the role of salesmen and customers,随后提出问题一些对车辆很感兴趣的难题,来锻练市场销售工作能力。 Question: 用英语听力的事例来表述对这一定义的了解。 Question 4 【授课关键点】:有第三人干预协助两个人解决困难,分成二种状况。 一种状况是mediation, 事例是2个舍友出現了分歧,找一个盆友,根据和两人沟通交流达到让步,想到一个双方都愿意的解决方法; 第二种状况是arbitration, 事例依然是2个舍友有分歧,叫第三者来听彼此的story, 随后agree with one roommate, disagree with another。无论两人是不是愿意,都需要依照第三个人的念头来实行。
