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更新时间:2021-01-07 浏览:148

托福阅读的修辞方法目地题是较为普遍的一种题目,这类题目总数较多自身难度系数都不高,能够 说成非常好评分的题目了。应对简易题目大伙儿的构思不可以只滞留在做对方面上,还*须在刷题速率左右一点时间。下边我就来案例解读托福阅读修辞方法目地题的解题思路。

修辞方法目地题是多见于托福阅读一部分的一种题目,这儿的“修辞方法”并并不是考察修辞手法,只是涉及到相对文章段落在文章内容中的功效,如:汇总,解答问题,辩驳,解释说明等。而“目地”则是考察对文章内容进行方式的掌握,是不是掌握到文章的结构为:见解 关键点。
一般来说,题目长那样:“why does author mention ”留意这儿的why并不是精准定位原文中的because来查看答案,只是应采用那样一种逻辑思维即:题目做为一个关键点,其存有的使用价值是为了更好地支撑点前边出現的见解,因此 回答在题目关键点出現的部位前边去找,也就是寻找见解 (留意绕开别的一样支撑点见解的关键点)
The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours. Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight for the same reason.
1. Why does the author mention that Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight?
A.To show that air resistance and water resistance work differently from each other.
B.To argue that some fishes are better designed than airplanes are.
C.To provide evidence that airplane engine have studied the design of fish bodies.
D.To demonstrate a similarity in design between certain fishes and airplanes.
题中中的运用题目中的landing gear非常好精准定位,回答在这里信息内容以前,文章内容创作者用airplane来举例子landing gear的作用,它遭受这一的启迪来自于fin are tucked into the grooves ordepressions(背鳍藏于侧卧凹形槽而不容易毁坏其自身的流线形题目)。而CD选择项都提及了design, 可是C提及 了airplane engine,这一定义原文中仍未谈及,因此 是不正确的,标准答案是D项。
Paragraph 6: But neither the human imitativeinstinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.Therefore, additional explanations are needed. One necessary condition seems tobe a somewhat detached view of human problems. For example, one sign of thiscondition is the appearance of the comic vision, since comedy requires sufficientdetachment to view some deviations from social norms as ridiculous rather thanas serious threats to the welfare of the entire group. Another condition thatcontributes to the development of autonomous theater is the emergence of theaesthetic sense.
2. Why does the author mention “comedy”?
A. To give an example of early types of theater.
B. To explain how theater helps a society respond to threats to its welfare. C. To help explain why detachment is needed for the development of theater.D. To show how theatrical performers become detached from other members of society.题中中的comedy虽是一个小词,看起来不值一提,可是它所存有的语句,句首为for example,这就组成了显著的举例说明关联,因此 回答還是在前面找这一事例所证实的见解。一句中的neither立即否认了2个见解,后边出現的therefore带动的语句是个衔接,第三句和实生物得出了detached view这一见解,因而看A项中沒有detached有关的內容,清除,B项提及了welfare,不相干信息内容,清除。C和D提及了detach可是D项中的other members沒有提及。故,选C。
修辞方法目地题是托福阅读中拿分的一类题目,因此 确保准确率還是很重要的。期待文中可以给大伙儿产生一些思索和启迪。
