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更新时间:2021-01-05 浏览:335


You aced the interview, your resume sings, but in the end, you didn't get the job. Chances are, you'll never know why.


It is a painful conundrum of the job search process: Rejected candidates want to understand why they didn't get hired, but employers, fearing discrimination complaints, keep silent. And those who do speak up offer little more than platitudes.


Without specifics, candidates are left to repeat the same mistakes, while hiring managers complain they're swamped with applicants who miss the mark.


'You don't know how to adjust going forward, ' says technology professional Lisa Roberson. When she wasn't selected for a job in her field a few years ago, she emailed one of the people who had interviewed her to find out why.

从业高新科技工作中的沙莉·罗伯森(Lisa Roberson)说:“你永远不知道该怎样调节不断进步。”两年前,在面试一份*科技的工作中落榜后,她给在其中一位招聘者发过封电子邮件了解缘故。

The response: Someone 'more suited' to the job had been hired. 'Well, I could have guessed that, ' said Ms. Roberson, who works in health-care IT.


Such exchanges frustrate job seekers, especially those who have been searching for long periods and desperately want some insight into how they are viewed by hiring managers.


Then there is the discomfort of relaying hard-to-hear information. Some hiring managers are so uncomfortable at the prospect of these conversations that they refuse to bring their business cards to interviews, says Amelia Merrill of Risk Management Solutions Inc., a risk-modeling firm in Silicon Valley.

次之,转达令人无法接纳的信息也会令人心里不舒服。美国硅谷风险性模型企业Risk Management Solutions Inc.的阿米莉亚·梅里尔(Amelia Merrill)说,一些招聘经理一想起将来很有可能会出现那样的交谈就感觉十分难受,因此 她们去招聘面试应聘者时都不愿意携带个人名片。

Despite how awkward it can be, Ms. Merrill expects her recruiters to call finalists to let them know they weren't hired, giving those applicants a chance to ask for moreinformation. She wants even rejected candidates to leave thinking they want to work there.


On rare occasions, she added, a rejected candidate will argue with the recruiter or insist he was the right pick for the job.


Of course, lots of candidates don't seek feedback: HR managers put the number of those who request it at around 10%. But of those who do, barely any get it. Only 4.4% of more than 2, 000 job candidates surveyed in 2012 by the Talent Board, an organization dedicated to improving companies' recruiting practices, said they received specific feedback from hiring managers and recruiters.

自然,许多应聘者不容易寻找意见反馈,人事主管可能规定得到意见反馈的应聘者的占比在10%上下。可是,在这些明确提出这一规定的应聘者中,基本上没人能获得意见反馈。致力于改善公司招聘个人行为的组织──优秀人才联合会(Talent Board)在2012年对2,000多名应聘者开展了调研,在其中仅有4.4%的应聘者表明她们获得过招聘经理和招聘人员的实际意见反馈。
