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更新时间:2021-01-03 浏览:136


1. Didn't researchthe company. Didn't know the CEO's name, the size of the company, their business, the market cap, the tickersymbol (for public companies), etc.

1. 没有了解过公司。不知道首席执行官的名字,公司的规模,他们的业务,市值,股票代码(上市公司)等等。

2. Didn't sell themselves, or forgot to communicate: "This is what I can do for you, because this is what I have done in school, and for others," etc.

2. 没有推销自己,或忘了沟通。“这些就是我能为你们做的,因为这些是我以前在学校里做过的事,还有为其他公司所做的。”等等。

3. Were nervous, had poor body language, or didn't look the interviewerin the eye. They obviously didn't practice interviewing or selling themselves. They say things like, "What would you like to know about me?"

3. 太过紧张,肢体语言让人不舒服,或者没有直视面试官。很显然求职者没有事先练习过如何面试或是自我推销。他们会说一些类似于“你们希望了解我的哪些方面?”

4. Didn't have a real understanding of the position(i.e. not doing their homework about the job) or even asking about the position's responsibilities.

4. 对所应聘的职位没有真正的了解(比如事先没有了解过这份工作),或是没有询问过这个职位的职责。

5. Were not enthusiasticor did not demonstratea level of commitmentto work, the position, or the industry.

5. 热情不高或没有表现出他们对于这份工作、这个职位或是这个行业的热情。

6. Didn't remember what is on their resume. For example, being asked a question about a part-time or summer job and not remembering much about it.

6. 忘了简历上写了什么。比如说,当被问到关于自己曾经做过的一个兼职工作或暑期工作的问题时,他们自己都已经记不太清了。

7. Were not thoughtful or inquisitivequestions to ask at the end of the interview.

7. 思维不够缜密或者在面试结束时问些稀奇古怪的问题。

8. Were not able to differentiate themselves from other candidates(i.e. what makes them a better candidate than others).

8. 不知道自己和其他的候选者有何不同。(例如,相较于其他的候选者,自己有何优势。)

9. Were not able to identifytheir weaknesses and show how they plan to strengthenthem.

9. 说不出自己的不足之处,或是不能说出自己将如何弥补这一劣势。

10. Were unable to relate what they have studied or what they have done to a business setting.

10. 无法把自己的所学过的知识、担任过的工作与业务设置联系起来。
