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更新时间:2021-01-03 浏览:188


Take an honest look at your behavior and ask yourself if you might be to blame for yourrepeated job loss. Only after you do this, can you take the actions necessary to change thispattern.


Let's explore some things that may be causing you to keep getting fired:


1.You Aren't Doing Your Work Well


Do you take pride in your work or do you not care how it turns out? If you are more interestedin simply completing a project than in doing it well, you may have just found the root of yourproblem. Most bosses do not want to pay employees whose work is poor. If your work is sloppyor if you make a lot of mistakes, you will have to change your ways.


2.You Are Unable to Perform Some Simple Tasks


Are there some tasks you don't know how to do? You may have the technical skills necessary todo your job quite well, but bosses expect their employees to be able to perform some simpletasks that keep workplaces humming along. For example, you should know proper telephoneetiquette and how to write a professional email.


3.You Aren't Completing Work on Time


Do you find it difficult to stick to deadlines?


As they say, time is money. Employees who can't complete work as quickly as required causeproblems for their employers. Is this your problem? You can solve it by improving your timemanagement skills. Learn how to prioritize your work and delegate tasks to coworkers if youcan.



4.You Don't Get Along With Your Coworkers


Are you always getting into disagreements with your coworkers? When employees don't getalong with one another, workplaces suffer. As workers become distracted from their work,productivity declines. Obviously this concerns employers who will want to weed out anyoneresponsible for the strife.


You don't have to love everyone with whom you work—you don't even have to like them all—butif you don't want to keep getting fired, try to have good working relationships.


5.You Have a Very Quick Temper


Do you get angry very easily? If you are unable to manage your anger at work, your boss islikely to see you as a liability. Unchecked anger can escalate into physical violence. Accordingto the US Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), each year almost 2 millionAmericans report they were victims of workplace violence. If you can't get your temper incheck on your own, you may have to seek professional help.


6.You Have a Negative Attitude


Do you often complain about your job to your coworkers? Do you frequently talk about thingsyou don't like about your employer or work environment? You may have just hit upon thereason you keep getting fired. While your complaints may be legitimate, employers don't likeworkplace negativity. It is highly contagious, spreading quickly from one employee toanother. It is damaging to morale and can make productivity plummet. Rather than abidingby the motto "misery loves company," find ways to make improvements without bringingeveryone else down.


7.You Are Unwilling to Take on Difficult Projects


Do you turn down an assignment if it looks too hard? Every time you do that, you are missingout on the opportunity to prove your value. Taking on difficult tasks allows you to show yourbosses what you are capable of doing. It indicates you are motivated and willing to learn.You will, on occasion, have to say no to your boss, but don't do that unless you have a goodreason. For example, you may have to decline an assignment if adding it to your alreadypacked schedule will keep you from completing higher priority work.

