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更新时间:2021-01-03 浏览:94

好啦,我想推卸责任了,工作效能低这不是我,都怪公司办公室的气体不太好,恩啊,一定是那样的。可是結果并没什么用处,劳动量并沒有因而而降低。  Working in awell-ventilated 'green' office can help boost your brainpower,


researchers havefound.  科学研究工作人员发觉,自然通风优良的“翠绿色”公司办公室有利于提高头脑。  People whosedesk space is well ventilated with below average indoor pollution and carbondioxide levels, showed more ability to think, understand, remember and learn,according to a study.  一项科学研究称,在办公室桌子自然通风标准优良,房间内环境污染和二氧化碳水准均小于平均的地区,大家主要表现出更强的思索、了解、记忆力和自学能力。  It suggests thatthe indoor environmental quality can have a profound impact on thedecision-making and performance of workers.  这说明,室内空气品质对职工的决策力和工作业绩有非常大的危害。  Researchers atHarvard looked at the decision making abilities of 24 people, who were exposedto different indoor working conditions over six days.  美国哈佛大学的科学研究工作人员观查了24个人的管理能力,这种人到不一样室内空气下工作中了六天的時间。  The findings,published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, showed those withhigher levels of pollutants were less able.  研究发现:空气污染物水准越高,大家的管理能力越低,这一科学研究結果发布在《环境健康展望》刊物上。  Participantsscored an average 61 percent higher while working in buildings with lowpollution levels, compared to days working in a conventional building.  科学研究参加者在环境污染程度低的办公楼工作中时的评分均值比在基本办公楼工作中时高了61%。  They were testedon everything from basic tasks to crisis response and information seeking.  她们开展了各式各样的检测,包含进行基础每日任务、危機解决和寻找信息内容的工作能力。  When low carbondioxide levels were combined with lower pollutants in buildings, cognitivescores were 101 percent higher than in conventional buildings, whichresearchers said was significant as it is not typically thought of as a directindoor pollutant.  在二氧化碳成分低并且房间内空气污染物较少时,科学研究参加者的思维能力评分比在基本办公室里时高于101%。科学研究工作人员称这一发觉十分关键,由于一般大家并不认为二氧化碳是立即的房间内空气污染物。  Dr Joseph Allen,director of the healthy buildings program at the Harvard Centre for Health andthe Global Environment, said it was an area that had been largely ignored.  美国哈佛大学身心健康和全世界自然环境管理中心(Harvard Centre for Health and the Global Environment)的约瑟夫·莱纳(Joseph Allen)博士研究生说,一直以来这全是个非常大水平上被大家忽略的地区。 'We spend 90 percent of our time indoors and 90 per cent of the costs of a building are(related to) the occupants, yet indoor environmental quality and its impact onhealth and productivity are often an afterthought,' he said.  他说道:“大家90%的時间全是在房间内,一栋工程建筑90%的花销都和定居使用人相关,可是大家却经常在过后才考虑到室内空气品质和它对身心健康及其生产主力的危害。” 'These resultssuggest even modest improvements to indoor environmental quality may have aprofound impact on the decision making performance of workers.'  “这种科学研究结果显示,即便 只对室内空气品质稍稍改进,也很有可能对职工的管理能力和工作业绩造成深刻影响。”  The findingsfollow British research which found having plants in offices boostsproductivity by 15 per cent by making workers more physically, cognitively andemotionally involved in their jobs.  先前,美国有研究表明在办公室放置绿色植物能够使职工在人体、认知能力和感情上面更资金投入工作中,进而提升 15%的生产主力。美国哈佛大学的研究发现适用了这一结果。  Vocabulary  well-ventilated:自然通风优良的  carbon dioxide:二氧化碳  cognitive:认知能力的
