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更新时间:2020-12-31 浏览:135


The Moles


Who They Are: Mole colleagues hide when they feel insecure, allowing problems to become overwhelming. Reluctant and quick to embarrass, they are easily intimidated.


How to Identify Them: Look for these socially inept types eating alone at the cafeteria, sitting in the back of the room at the training and sneaking away early at office parties. They may seem laid-back when passing on opportunities for promotions, but they would rather languish in one position than extend themselves to advance. They can appear easygoing when accepting blame for a missed deadline, but actually lack the courage to confront the true offender. Fearful of risk, failure and rejection, they will shun attention at any cost. The moment your project requires communicating with others, moles will flee from their responsibilities and disappear under the radar.


What to Watch Out For: You might find the reclusive and pitiful nature of moles to elicit your compassion. But moles only know how to burrow down. Align yourself with them, and you will fall down the same career-isolation hole they dig for themselves.


How to Protect Yourself: Don’t waste time helping moles become less isolated. They don’t want to be noticed, and will convert anything you say into self-loathing. Count on them only for routine work that can be completed without drawing attention from senior management, especially for tasks which they volunteer to do.


The Panhandlers


Who They Are: Panhandler colleagues walk the line between performing at their job and hunting for constant recognition. They are time-stealing attention seekers desperate for continuous praise.

她们是何许人也:乞讨者型的朋友在自身的岗位上竭尽全力主要表现,只为了更好地得到 别人长期性的毫无疑问。她们急切期盼获得别人的关心和不断的赞扬。

How to Identify Them: You’ll find these gregarious types carrying on loudly at happy hour. They are the sycophants tailgating anyone who will toss them morsels of attention.

怎么知道哪位乞讨者型的朋友:这些在激动之时就提升 嗓子油腔滑调的人。假如有些人对她们主要表现出一点关心,她们一定会对其阿谀奉承。

What to Watch Out For: At first, we are pleased when we meet panhandlers, because they are willing to go out of their way to do something for us, to demonstrate their loyalty. But their loyalty shifts like a leaf in the wind. As soon as panhandlers find a better source of affirmation, they will kick you to the curb, even in the middle of an important deadline.

要留意的难题:最初,我们在碰到乞讨者型的朋友时是很高兴的,由于她们会任劳任怨地为大家做一些事,为此证实她们的忠实。可是她们的忠实如同随风飘荡摆动的落叶。一旦寻找对她们更为毫无疑问的人,即便 在一个关键的新项目只开展到一半时,她们也会将你扔到一边。

How to Protect Yourself: Realize that panhandlers focus on praise the way addicts focus on drugs. To keep them on task, refrain from giving them praise until the very end of an assignment or project. The moment you start doling out the compliments is the moment you’ll lose their attention.


The Pretenders


Who They Are: Pretender colleagues are the con men and women of the workplace. They may appear self-assured but forever worry about being discovered as frauds.


How to Identify Them: Pretenders misrepresent, embellish and exaggerate, creating misunderstandings and false expectations all around them. They will even manufacture a crisis, just so they can save the day.


What to Watch Out For: Ironically, pretenders are capable and likable when a project is in the planning stage. Then, the effort required at the execution stage triggers them to begin hyping themselves and their abilities up. They become an ongoing source of frustration, disseminating misinformation that throws everybody off course, leaving colleagues scratching their heads trying to discern the truth.


How to Protect Yourself: Keep track of their fabrications and contradictions to avoid being snared by a web of deception. When challenged about their problematic conduct, pretenders will often humble themselves. But humility is only a temporary state for pretenders. Keep them focused on facts and concrete deliverables, and give them accolades only for successfully completing projects.


The Headliners


Who They Are: Headliner colleagues have egos that are guaranteed to aggravate. They are arrogant status seekers convinced that everyone envies them.


How to Identify Them: The headliners are always interrupting at meetings and hijacking conversations. They are defensive when receiving feedback, and only interested in conversations highlighting them.


What to Watch Out For: Headliners don’t choose friends. They target people to exploit, people they believe can elevate their status. They are manipulators only interested in how you can service their ambition. Headliners will step on anyone to get ahead.


How to Protect Yourself: Manage your relationship with the headliner by saying no to most requests that are outside of your job description, and require that your generosity be reciprocated before you help with their next ‘favor.’ Once they realize that they cannot use you to get ahead, they will concentrate on distinguishing themselves technically, so they can boast about their contributions to the project.

怎样保护自己:解决你要和以自我为中心型的朋友的关联,对你工作中以外的绝大多数规定,要敢于和他说道不,在你下一次协助他以前,要* 你的投入可以获得收益。一旦她们意识到她们不可以运用你升职,她们就念头想方设法主要表现出自身的专业技能非凡,尽可能把对新项目的奉献都得益于自身。

The Directors


Who They Are: Director colleagues are obsessed with control. They cannot handle uncertainty, and they want to design the outcome of everything.


How to Identify Them: Directors are more interested in being right than in doing the right thing. They cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them, which means they’re constantly alienating people. They are also the most unlikely co-workers to ever say, “Thank you.”


What to Watch Out For: Heads up! Directors become loose cannons when they lose control. They will rant, insult and intimidate to keep and regain control, even if it means being disliked and feared by their colleagues.

要留意的是:小心!当负责人型的朋友丧失决策权时,她们会越来越独来独往。她们会怒吼,污辱、吓唬朋友以再次抢回决策权,即便 这会吓住朋友,被朋友反感,她们也毫不在意。

How to Protect Yourself: With directors, don’t yield until you’ve reasoned to a middle ground. Be clear about what plans are non-negotiable and be mindful of their verbal drive-bys—and also always wear your psychic Kevlar.


The Conflict Junkies


Who They Are: Conflict junkies are a combination of all the other types described, grafted into the most toxic and hostile contagion to ever poison the workplace. If Ebola was a personality type, it would be a conflict junkie.


How to Identify Them: They are the pathological bullies who harass even the most well-intentioned staff; the combative co-workers everyone has a horror story about; the rebellious employees so caustic, they send their superiors into septic shock. They are completely resistant to civility.


What to Watch Out For: Like moles, conflict junkies may initially appear submissive, but this is a ploy that lasts only until they have adjusted to a new situation. Like pretenders, once acclimated, they become agents of disruption. CJ’s go beyond the tactics used by directors to gain control, pitting colleagues against one another, sabotaging projects, undermining their superiors, withholding information to create conflict and misrepresenting situations to HR. Like panhandlers and headliners, they will go out of their way to feed their egos. The difference? They act with no concern for consequence, even when it threatens their own careers.

要留意的是:像小鼹鼠型的朋友一样,作战狂型的朋友最初主要表现得很听从,但它是她们适应能力前的一个对策。像骗子公司型的朋友一样,一旦融入了新领域,她们就刚开始捣乱。为得到 决策权,作战狂型的朋友常用的对策比负责人型的朋友还多,让朋友们自相残杀,应用玩弄权术毁坏新项目,诬陷她们的上级领导,瞒报信息内容使人力资源管理陷入矛盾误会的陷泥。像乞丐型和以自我为中心型的朋友一样,她们会应用各种各样方式来考虑自身的欲望。她们有哪些不一样吗?作战狂型朋友办事不计后果,即便 伤害到她们的职业发展也毫不在意。

How to Protect Yourself: Handling conflict junkies is more than a one-person job. Take advantage of your organization’s policies, regulations and stated values. Leverage all penalties available, even those that require legal action, if needed. Report their conduct to HR, and encourage others to do the same so that you can build a case for their termination. If they cannot conduct themselves rationally and respectfully, you should refuse to assist, comply with, respond to or even acknowledge them. If all else fails, consider asking to be reassigned or taking a new job.

怎样保护自己:应对作战狂只靠一己之力是不足的。好好地运用机构上的现行*策,标准和所提倡的价值观念。必需的状况下,即便 *须合理合法行動,还要采用全部能惩罚她们的方式。把她们的个人行为汇报给人力资源管理,提倡他人也那样做,那样你也就能创建他的一个案底进而干掉他。假如她们蛮不讲理,不重视人,那你就不必协助她们,不必遵循她们,没理她们乃至就当不认识她们。假如这种都不好,那么就考虑到去其他单位,或是找一份新工作中。

在职人员在工作中要怎样保护自己,假如要想作为一名取得成功的初入职场人员,怎能错过了美联英语国际商务英语课程内容呢?如今填好右上方“立刻完全免费报考”报表,获大量英文学习秘籍 ,每日两小时,我们在美联英语培训机构等着你哦!
