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聚培教育网合作机构 > 长沙英语培训学校



更新时间:2020-12-31 浏览:160


1. Read


The majority of people stop reading books after they graduate because they think it’s not necessary. However, reading is vitally important to your career success. Most successful people have a habit of reading a book for 30 minutes a day. When you read each day, you improve your vocabulary, knowledge and memory. This helps you to speak professionally and persuasively in your everyday life.

在大学毕业以后,大部分人已不阅读了,由于她们觉得阅读 必需了。殊不知,阅读对你的事业有成十分关键。很多成功者都是有每日阅读三十分钟的习惯性。如果你每天阅读的情况下,你能提升 你的语汇水准、专业知识和记忆能力。这能协助你一直在每日的日常生活讲话更为技术专业并且具备感染力。

2. Prepare


Highly persuasive speakers always know what they are talking about during the presentation, meeting or conference, because they prepare their speech and read all necessary information well in advance. When preparing your speech, look for good examples, epithets, metaphors and even quotes that will help you to better express your thoughts and ideas. Your speech shouldn’t be boring, it should be interesting and capture everyone’s attention. You should also read some additional information in order to be ready to answer to any questions.


3. Practice


I’ve asked many famous speakers about their secrets of successful speeches. One of the most important key to success is practice. Practice helps you identify your mistakes, improve your speech and body language. Whether you practice in front of your family or friends or in front of the mirror, stay confident and speak clearly. Don’t stop and don’t give up. Your mistakes will make you smarter and more successful so don’t be afraid of them.

我询问过去了很多知名的演讲家她们取得成功演说的密秘。在其中最重要的取得成功关键点*便是训练。训练能够协助你了解到自身的不正确,提升自己演说和身势語言水准。不管你是在亲人或是盆友眼前训练,還是对着镜子训练,*须维持信心,咬字清楚。不必终止或是舍弃。你的不正确会给你更为聪慧,更为取得成功,因此 不要害怕犯错误。

4. Start your presentation with a hook


When it comes to presentations, the most difficult thing to do is probably to grab your audience’s attention. Successful speakers know how to hook the audience’s attention with their first words. Prepare a great opening that will make everyone listen to you attentively.

当提及阐述演说,较大 的艰难很有可能便是把握住观众们的专注力。取得成功的演讲家了解怎样用一开始的語言来把握住观众们的专注力。要提前准备很好的开局阐述来让每一个人都全神贯注听你的演说。

1.answer to 合乎;融入

The answer to your question – what will we learn from this collapse?


2.talk about 讨论某件事

We all have goals and dreams – whether or not we ever talk about them, or write them down.

我们是有总体目标和理想的,即便 大家并沒有说出来或是写下来。

3.attentively 留意地;专心致志地;周全地

When Hua was walking attentively, he was stunned at a cross he saw in the street.


4.be afraid of 担心

Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment.


