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更新时间:2020-12-29 浏览:106

创刊词:手机信息讯捷、划算又趣味,它正越来越像通电话一样广泛。这里有一些撰写SMS的方式,它能够帮你用英文来发送信息。这种还可以用在MSN,QQ等即便 通讯上哦。

Text me! 发我短信!

English has a very difficult spelling system, and it can take a long time to spell out one word. So, many people now shorten words to speed up the process. This saves time, but it can also confuse people if they are not familiar with the current trends. Also, mastering the language of text messages first requires mastering English.


SMS slang can be broken up into two basic categories: acronyms and contractions.


Acronyms 首字母缩写

Acronyms are words formed from the first letter of several words (such as UN for United Nations). In text messaging, acronyms are used for common phrases. Additionally, single letters may replace words that they sound like. Check out these examples:

首字母缩写是由每一个英语单词的*一个英文字母组成的,例如UN是指United Nations.短消息里,首字母缩写经常被用在习惯用语中。此外,发音类似的词会被英文字母替代。可以看一些事例:

OIC- Oh I see.

BRB - Be right back

BFN - Bye for now

LOL - Laughing out loud

ASAP - As soon as possible

BTW - By the way

FYI - For your information

JK - Just kidding

TTYL - Talk to you later

Contractions 缩略

SMS contractions aren't the same as regular ones like "don't" or "they're", but the purpose is the same: to remove unnecessary parts of words while keeping the meaning clear. Vowels are often eliminated, but you can still make out the general sound of the word. The number 8 sometimes represents the sound of eight, so later becomes l8r. The number 4 is also common as a replacement for the for sound as is 2 for to. Take a look at these SMS contractions:

短消息的缩略词并不是指一些约定成俗的"don't" 或 "they're"这类的缩略,但二者的目地是一样的:即当含意很清晰的情况下可将一些不用的词省去。元音音标经常会被省去,可是你依然能够保存这个词的大约讲话。数字8有时会发eight,因此 later就写出l8r.数字4一般也被替代成for,如同2这一音就取代了to.可以看一些短消息缩略词的事例:

Plz - Please

Thx - Thanks

Cya - See you

L8r - Later

K - OK

U - You

R - Are

B4 - Before

1morro - Tomorrow

As you can see, writing this way can be complicated, and you should have a good grasp of English before trying to shorten your messages. Using too many abbreviations will make your SMS confusing to the reader or look unprofessional with your business contacts.

你能看出去,用简称的方法写短消息会非常复杂,如果你试考虑减少你的短消息时,你应该先访问 一遍英语。过多的简称会给用户产生疑惑,或是给你的商业服务相处看起来不那麼技术专业。

Can you keep a secret? 你能帮我保守秘密吗?

SMS is definitely convenient, but it should be used for casual conversations while keeping your audience in mind. You shouldn't be sending text messages to your boss! Additionally, remember that messages sent can easily be saved and retrieved, or even sent to the wrong person, so you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation if you are not cautious! The next time you want to send a very personal message think carefully before you press the "Send" button or you might end up sending your boss a message meant for your sweetheart!

发信息肯定很便捷,但它应当仅限于较为随便的场所,且要让用户可以看搞清楚。你不要让你的老总发信息!此外,你需要了解,短消息非常容易被储存并发送给别人,乃至是发送给不应该发的人。假如你一不小心得话,就会有很有可能将自身深陷十分难堪的处境!因此 下一次在按住“推送”键传出十分隐私保护的短消息的情况下,一定要当心再当心,要不然你很有可能会把发送给恋人的短消息发送给老总喔!
