The question
I am one of three directors at a small consultancy. I work long hours and travel extensively. I love my job - it is interesting and well paid - but miss spending time with my two young sons. I have decided to take six weeks' non-paid leave in the summer but don't know how to convince my fellow directors that my enthusiasm and determination have not diminished. Both of them are very career-minded and are focused on becoming millionaires as soon as possible.
There's no point in trying to convince them your dedication has not changed. It has changed: you are no longer dedicated enough to work during summer as you'd rather see your children.
It sounds as if you're guilty of the worst sort of parental thinking - the sort that supposes you can both have a workaholic job and be an involved father, and that your work mates should somehow be supportive of whatever you decide to do. To you, your sons are precious. To your directors, they are a nuisance.
I suggest that you present it to them in a different, truer light. Tell them that your job still matters to you very much although there are other things that matter to you as well.
Maybe you should suggest that, when the time comes to sell the business and become millionaires, you take a slightly smaller share - pro rata with the reduced effort that you've put in.
The real test will not be how the first discussion goes but how the six weeks works in practice. I have my doubts on this. First, unless yours is a company that goes all sluggish in the summer, you will miss a lot in six weeks. Second, having a huge helping of domesticity once a year may prove indigestible for you and your sons.
If I were you, I'd try something more flexible. Say that you want to go home early one day a week. Then you can see your sons for a bit and do some more work after they have gone to bed. Your best hope for a harmonious solution is if both of the other directors swiftly have children of their own and start to feel just as torn as you do now.