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更新时间:2020-12-28 浏览:116
核心提示:用英语讨论规模性资产重组方案,在下列这一段会话中,Gregory Cosgrove是一家大中型电力公司的CEO,而Gloria Atkinson是人事部门


在下列这一段会话中,Gregory Cosgrove是一家大中型电力公司的CEO,而Gloria Atkinson是人事部门的负责人。她们已经讨论一次规模性的资产重组方案。

Gregory: Gloria, before I officially announce the reorganization, I want your final feedback. Gloria,在我宣布公布资产重组以前,我觉得最终再听一下你的建议。

Gloria: I've gone through the entire plan again, and I'm sure the impact will be minimal, since we're not planning large-scale firings or lay-offs.我将全部方案又理了一遍。我毫无疑问此次资产重组产生的震荡会不大。由于大家沒有规模性的辞退或裁人方案。

Gregory: That was a key objective from the start. Qualified staff holding positions that are being cut will be offered retraining for our new positions. If they accept, they have the job.这一开始便是大家的一个关键总体目标。并且,倘若被裁岗位上的员工合乎大家的用工规定,大家将向她们出示再学习培训的机遇以使她们融入大家新职位的*须。假如她们接纳那样的分配,就仍有工作中。

Gloria: That's the best policy. Nevertheless, some employees may not want to change career paths in mid-stream, and will probably put in their notice.这简直个非常好的作法。但就算是那样,很有可能会有的人不愿意半途拆换技术工种,她们仍有可能明确提出离职信。

Gregory: I know, and we have a very fair compensation package for those who decide to quit. Some people can take advantage of our early retirement package. In the odd case, this may be a good opportunity to can non-performers.这一点因为我想起了。大家将给决策离职的职工一笔非常公平的赔偿金。有的人还能够领取大家的提前退休养老金。或许这還是大家辞退消极怠工职工的好机会呢。

Gloria: I've talked to ER, and there aren't too many of those any more. Hopefully, we won't lose people because of the new drug testing regulation, either.我和员工关联部谈过,那样的状况早已不那么多见了。此外,大家期待不必由于此次新的药品检验要求而导致企业工作人员损害。

Gregory: This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner. Are the new employee contracts ready?


Gloria: Yes they are, and all other appropriate forms have been modified. I've also set things in motion to revise our orientation process. We're ready to go!


Gregory: Great! I think we've covered all the bases. I'll set up a general meeting for next Monday to make the announcement.棒极了!我觉得大家已将各个方面都考虑周到了。下周一我将举办全体人员交流会公布开展资产重组。
