I. “会听” 要尽可能激励另一方多讲,向另一方说:“yes”,“please go on”,强调指出难题请另一方回应,使另一方多谈她们的状况。
II. 巧提出问题 用敞开式的难题来掌握采购商的要求,使采购商随意畅谈人生。“can you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”
采购商经常会问:“can not you do better than that?”
对于此事不必妥协,而应反问到:“what is meant by better?”或“better than what?”使采购商表明她们到底在哪几个方面不满意。采购商:“your competitor is offering better terms.”
III. 应用标准疑问句 用更具有暗示性的标准疑问句进一步掌握另一方的详细情况,以改动大家的发盘。
如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”
及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”
(4)替代“no”。“would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your additional requirements?”