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包括 stand 和 give 的动词短语


更新时间:2020-12-24 浏览:207
核心提示:动词短语(phrasal verbs)在日常英语对话中应用的頻率十分高。把握一定总数的动词短语不但能使你的口语英语听起来更当然、正宗
动词短语(phrasal verbs)在日常英语对话中应用的頻率十分高。把握一定总数的动词短语不但能使你的口语英语听起来更当然、正宗,也可以协助你更精确地了解别人的语句。这类语句一般由 “形容词 介词/代词” 组成。例如,形容词 “stand” 和 “give” 都能够与不一样的代词或介词配搭,构成含意不一样的动词短语,如:stand up 站立起来;give up 舍弃。做小测试,挑选出最适当的动词短语来进行下述的八个语句。
1. If you _______ bullies1, they will never leave you alone.
a) give into
b) stand up for
c) give up
d) stand up to
2. Never let anyone _______ when you're trying to be successful.
a) give way
b) stand by
c) give up
d) stand in your way
3. However bad a situation may be, you must never _______ hope.
a) give in to
b) give up
c) stand up to
d) stand by
4. I will _______ you until the day I die. You can trust in me.
a) stand in the way of
b) give up
c) stand by
d) give in to
5. _______ people who can't fight for themselves and are in vulnerable situations is a human obligation.
a) Giving way to
b) Giving in to
c) Giving up
d) Standing2 up for
6. If someone tries to intimidate3 you during an argument, you should _______
a) stand your ground.
b) give up.
c) give way.
d) stand down.
7. The management eventually _______ and increased staff salaries by five percent.
a) stood their ground
b) gave way
c) stood in the way
d) stood by
8. He refused to _______ to the challenges of becoming a writer, and eventually became very successful.
a) stand by
b) give up
c) stand up
d) give in
1) a, 2) d, 3) b, 4) c, 5) d, 6) a, 7) b, 8) d.