【考试*题案例】 Can you tell me something about your student life?
【解题构思】 尽管这是一个简易到不可以再简易的难题,可是近义词在这个问题的回应中便会使回答越来越栩栩如生起來。从积极主动的实际意义上讲,学员日常生活一定是exciting, interesting, colorful, impressive, stimulating, fascinating的代称。难题是:大家是不是能在自身的回应中把那么多的同义词/同义词多方面运用,这才算是这一雅思口语考试7分方法的运用难题。
【答案】 Well, my student life has so many interesting and exciting things to talk about. First, I have made a lot of wonderful friends at school, and we share many hobbies, duties and personal opinions. Then, there are a variety of colorful events on campus – almost every student joins a club, takes part in a social activity, or becomes a member of some organization. These events are not only fascinating for young people who like to explore the world, but are also stimulating in terms of developing our thinking skills and lifestyles.
该回应从2个方面叙述校园生活的精彩纷呈:一是结交了许多 **的朋友;二是有各式各样的校园文化活动。期间装点的六个近义词/近义词组成了一条既牢固、又丰富多彩的近义词链,那样的回应在显示信息了学生丰富多彩的英语词汇量的另外也显示信息了学生运用語言的工作能力,取得雅思口语考试7分,也就名正言顺了。