1. 空格符脱离
空格符脱离是字符串数组处置的一种操作过程,能够应用lstrip()方式 (左)脱离流板空格符,应用rstrip()(右)方式 对跟随空格符开展脱离,及其应用strip()脱离流板和跟随空格符。
s = ' This is a sentence with whitespace. n'print('Strip leading whitespace: {}'.format(s.lstrip()))print('Strip trailing whitespace: {}'.format(s.rstrip()))print('Strip all whitespace: {}'.format(s.strip()))
Strip leading whitespace: This is a sentence with whitespace.Strip trailing whitespace: This is a sentence with whitespace.Strip all whitespace: This is a sentence with whitespace.
对脱离除空格符之外的标识符有兴趣吗?一样的方式 也很有效,能够根据传送要想脱离的字符串来脱离标识符。
s = 'This is a sentence with unwanted characters.AAAAAAAA'print('Strip unwanted characters: {}'.format(s.rstrip('A')))
Strip unwanted characters: This is a sentence with unwanted characters.
必需时别忘记查验字符串数组 format()文本文档。
2. 字符串数组分拆
运用Python中的 split() 方式 能够随意将字符串数组拆分为较小的子字符串数组目录。
split() 方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.split
s = 'KDnuggets is a fantastic resource'print(s.split())
['KDnuggets', 'is', 'a', 'fantastic', 'resource']
s = 'these,words,are,separated,by,comma'print('',' separated split -> {}'.format(s.split(',')))s = 'abacbdebfgbhhgbabddba'print(''b' separated split -> {}'.format(s.split('b')))
',' separated split -> ['these', 'words', 'are', 'separated', 'by', 'comma']'b' separated split -> ['a', 'ac', 'de', 'fg', 'hhg', 'a', 'dd', 'a']
3. 将目录元素合成字符串数组
*须 完成以上使用的一个反向实际操作?没什么问题,运用Python中的join()方式 便可将目录中的元素合成一个字符串数组。
join()方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.join
s = ['KDnuggets', 'is', 'a', 'fantastic', 'resource']print(' '.join(s))
KDnuggets is a fantastic resource
s = ['Eleven', 'Mike', 'Dustin', 'Lucas', 'Will']print(' and '.join(s))
Eleven and Mike and Dustin and Lucas and Will
4. 字符串反转
Python沒有内嵌的字符串反转方式 。可是,能够先将字符串数组看作是标识符的目录,再运用翻转目录原素的方法开展翻转。
5. 大小写转换
运用upper(), lower(),和swapcase()方式 需要开展英文大小写中间的变换。
upper()方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.upperlower()方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.lowerswapcase()方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.swapcase
s = 'KDnuggets'print(''KDnuggets' as uppercase: {}'.format(s.upper()))print(''KDnuggets' as lowercase: {}'.format(s.lower()))print(''KDnuggets' as swapped case: {}'.format(s.swapcase()))
'KDnuggets' as uppercase: KDNUGGETS'KDnuggets' as lowercase: kdnuggets'KDnuggets' as swapped case: kdNUGGETS
6. 查验是不是有字符串数组组员
在Python中查验字符串数组组员的最容易方式 是应用in操作符,英语的语法与自然语言理解十分相近。
s1 = 'perpendicular's2 = 'pen's3 = 'pep'print(''pen' in 'perpendicular' -> {}'.format(s2 in s1))print(''pep' in 'perpendicular' -> {}'.format(s3 in s1))
'pen' in 'perpendicular' -> True'pep' in 'perpendicular' -> False
假如对寻找字符串数组中子字符串数组的部位更有兴趣(而不是简单地查验是不是包括子字符串数组),则运用find()方式 很有可能更加合理。
s = 'Does this string contain a substring?'print(''string' location -> {}'.format(s.find('string')))print(''spring' location -> {}'.format(s.find('spring')))
'string' location -> 10'spring' location -> -1
7. 子字符串替换
寻找子字符串数组以后,假如想更换这一子字符串数组,应该怎么办?Python 中的replace()字符串数组方式 将缓解这一难题。
replace()字符串数组方式 :https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.replace
s1 = 'The theory of data science is of the utmost importance.'s2 = 'practice'print('The new sentence: {}'.format(s1.replace('theory', s2)))
The new sentence: The practice of data science is of the utmost importance.
8. 组成好几个目录的輸出
countries = ['USA', 'Canada', 'UK', 'Australia']cities = ['Washington', 'Ottawa', 'London', 'Canberra']for x, y in zip(countries, cities): print('The capital of {} is {}.'.format(x, y))
The capital of USA is Washington.The capital of Canada is Ottawa.The capital of UK is London.The capital of Australia is Canberra.
9. 同英文字母异序词查验
想查验一对字符串数组中,在其中一个字符串数组是不是另一个字符串数组的同英文字母异序词?从优化算法上而言,*须 做的是对每一个字符串数组中各个符号的发生频次完成记数,再查验二者计标值是不是相同,立即应用collections控制模块的Counter类便可完成。
from collections import Counterdef is_anagram(s1, s2): return Counter(s1) == Counter(s2)s1 = 'listen's2 = 'silent's3 = 'runner's4 = 'neuron'print(''listen' is an anagram of 'silent' -> {}'.format(is_anagram(s1, s2)))print(''runner' is an anagram of 'neuron' -> {}'.format(is_anagram(s3, s4)))
'listen' an anagram of 'silent' -> True'runner' an anagram of 'neuron' -> False
10. 回文查验
假如想查验给出的英语单词是不是回文,该怎么办?从优化算法上看,*须 建设一个英语单词的翻转,随后运用 == 操作符来查验这两个字符串数组(初始字符串数组和反方向字符串数组)是不是相同。
def is_palindrome(s): reverse = s[::-1] if (s == reverse): return True return Falses1 = 'racecar's2 = 'hippopotamus'print(''racecar' a palindrome -> {}'.format(is_palindrome(s1)))print(''hippopotamus' a palindrome -> {}'.format(is_palindrome(s2)))
'racecar' is a palindrome -> True'hippopotamus' is a palindrome -> False